MIL-STD 461 RE101
DEPARTMENT OF DEFENSE INTERFACE STANDARD MIL-STD 461 RE101 Radiated Emissions, Magnetic Field This test procedure is used to verify that the magnetic field emissions from the EUT and its associated electrical interfaces do not exceed specified requirements. Applicability This requirement is applicable from 30 Hz to 100 kHz for radiated emissions from equipment and subsystem enclosures, including electrical cable interfaces. The requirement does not apply to radiation from antennas. For Navy aircraft, this requirement is applicable only for aircraft with ASW equipment which operates between 30 Hz and 10 kHz such as: Acoustic (Sonobouy) Receivers or Magnetic Anomaly Detectors (MAD). Limit Magnetic field emissions shall not be radiated in excess of the levels shown on Figures RE101-1 and RE101-2 at a distance of 7 cm. Test EquipmentPreview Standard
- Measurement receivers
- Data recording device
- Loop sensor
- Ohmmeter
- Signal generator