DEF STAN 61-5, Part 6
Ministry of Defence DEF STAN 61-5, Part 6 Nominal 12V and 24V DC Electrical Systems in Military Platforms This standard defines the characteristics for all military (ground) platform DC power distribution systems, platform and terminal equipment within the military, bespoke, military off the shelf (MOTS) and commercial off the shelf (COTS) vehicular environment. It covers supply sources with a nominal voltage of 12 V and 24 V, supplying up to 1000A, irrespective of whether these are derived from an on-board engine driven generator, a separate auxiliary power unit (APU), converter, conditioner, battery or combinations thereof. The standard includes a main section, which covers Scope, Warnings, Definitions, Format, Power Critical Design Review, Capacity, Batteries, Circuit Protection, Wiring Configurations, Connections, Earthing, Platform Requirements, Platform and Terminal Equipment Requirements, Environmental, Quality Standard, Test Equipment and Management and Planning. Detailed technical requirements are included in the following annexes:By application of these tests and compliance with the defined limits, the electrical interoperability of Platform and Terminal Equipment, including communications and other non-platform electronic/electrical systems, with the platform power systems should be ensured. NOTE For Land Platforms, the following tests may be considered for inclusion in Def Stan 59-411 Parts 3 and 4, in the next issue:
- Annex A defines the power distribution system and its required characteristics to be provided at the electrical distribution socket outlets
- Annex B defines the constraints that the Platform and Terminal Equipment shall meet, including its added cabling to the distribution socket outlets
- Annex C defines the Related Documents
- Annex D defines the Abbreviations
- Annex E defines Cable Capacity De-Rating Factors and includes example cable calculations
- Annex F and Annex G includes Power Critical Design Review example forms
Preview Standard
- DET02.A - Ripple Voltage (DCE02 Requirement)
- DIT03.A - Imported Ripple
- DET01.B - Exported Ripple
- DET02.B - Exported Transients
- DIT07.B - Short Transients