MIL-STD 461 CE106


MIL-STD 461 CE106 Conducted Emissions, Antenna Port

This test procedure is used to verify that conducted emissions appearing at the antenna port of the EUT do not exceed specified requirements.


This requirement is applicable from 10 kHz to 40 GHz for the antenna ports of transmitters, receivers, and amplifiers. The requirement is not applicable to equipment designed with antennas permanently mounted to the EUT. The transmit mode portion of this requirement is not applicable within the bandwidth of the EUT transmitted signal or within ±5 percent of the fundamental frequency, whichever is larger. For Navy shipboard applications with peak transmitter power greater than 1 kW, the 5% frequency exclusion will be increased by an additional 0.1% of the fundamental frequency for each dB above 1 kW of peak power.

Frequency Exclusion = ± f * (0.05 + (0.001/dB) * (PtPk [dBm] - 60 [dBm]))

Depending on the operating frequency range of the EUT, the start frequency of the test is as follows:
EUT Operating Frequency Range Start Frequency of Test
10 kHz to 3 MHz 10 kHz
3 MHz to 300 MHz 100 kHz
300 MHz to 3 GHz 1 MHz
300 MHz to 3 GHz 10 MHz
The equipment will be tested to an upper frequency limit based on the highest frequency generated or received by the EUT. For systems with the frequencies generated or received less than 1 GHz, the upper frequency limit will be 20 times the highest frequency or 18 GHz whichever is greater. For systems with frequencies generated or received greater than or equal to 1 GHz, the upper frequency limit will be 10 times the highest frequency or 40 GHz whichever is less. For equipment using waveguide, the requirement does not apply below eight-tenths of the waveguide's cutoff frequency. RE103 may be used as an alternative for CE106 for testing transmitters with their operational antennas. Limits Conducted emissions at the EUT antenna port shall not exceed the values given below.
  1. Receivers: 34 dBμV
  2. Transmitters and amplifiers (standby mode): 34 dBμV
  3. Transmitters and amplifiers (transmit mode): Harmonics, except the second and third, and all other spurious emissions shall be at least 80 dB down from the level at the fundamental. The second and third harmonics shall be suppressed to a level of -20 dBm or 80 dB below the fundamental, whichever requires less suppression. For Navy shipboard applications, the second and third harmonics will be suppressed to a level of -20 dBm and all other harmonics and spurious emissions shall be suppressed to -40 dBm, except if the duty cycle of the emissions are less than 0.2%, then the limit may be relaxed to 0 dBm.
Test Equipment
  1. Measurement receiver
  2. Attenuators, 50 ohm
  3. Rejection networks
  4. Directional couplers
  5. Dummy loads, 50 ohm
  6. Signal generators. For amplifier testing, a signal generator is required to drive the amplifier that provides the modulation used in the intended application and that has spurious and harmonic outputs that are at least 6 dB below the applicable limit.
  7. Data recording device
Preview Standard