Anritsu Wiltron 561 Scalar Network Analyzer 10 MHz - 40 GHz

With the addition of a sweep generator, the 561 becomes an automated transmission, return loss (SWR), and power measurement system. Operating over the 10 MHz to 40 GHz range from a single coaxial test port, the system provides fully annotated displays of test data and measurement parameters.

Under internal microprocessor control (no external controlÀšÃ‚¬ler required), the 561 normalizes and simultaneously displays any two inputs on channels A, B, R1, and R2. The same inputs can be displayed as ratios A/R1, A/R2, B/R1, or B/R2. The dynamic range for each channel is 71 dB (-55 dBm to +16 dBm). Typically, the noise floor is less than 2 dBm, providing a greater than 76 dB dynamic range in almos1 all applications.


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