Keysight E4916A Crystal Impedance / LCR Meter

Keysight E4916A is a crystal impedance meter based on the transmission network method which enables you to:
-	Test at high frequencies (1 MHz to 180 MHz)
-	Apply low drive level (0.1 nW to 1 mW, when testing a 25 ohm DUT with the circuit).

The Keysight E4916A yet provides a cost effective solution, comparable enough to conventional CI meters.

In addition to Fr and CI measurements, the Keysight E4916A offers a variety of testing capabilities including the equivalent circuit analysis and the drive level dependency characteristic evaluation (DLD) through easy-to- follow steps. It comes with the Keysight-IB and parallel I/O interfaces for easy connection to external equipment, thus allowing an automatic testing system to be configured.


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