HP 3577B Network Analyzer 5 Hz - 200 MHz

Hewlett Packard 3577B is a high-performance, yet economical, two-channel, (optional three-channel) network analyzer for use in both research and development and manufacturing.  It is used to measure magnitude/phase, insertion loss, group delay, SWR, electrical length, and gain compression from 5 Hz to 200 MHz when used with the 35676A/B reflection/transmission kit, it can also measure return loss, reflection coefficient, and impedance.

With the optional HP Instrument BASIC, the 3577B can execute user-written programs designed to automate measurement systems, compute parameters (such as pass band ripple and 3 dB bandwidth) or customize the user-interface.  This includes system control of other HP-IB instruments and peripherals via the HP-IB.  A programmable I/O port, located on the rear panel, extends the HP Instrument BASIC control to non-HP-IB devices, such as device handlers, environmental chambers, and even the device-under-test itself.  

Of course, the 3577B is fully programmable, either internally with HP Instrument BASIC, or externally via the Hewlett-Packard Interface Bus (HP-IB).


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