ISO 11452-10
ISO 11452-10 Road Vehicles - Component Test Methods for Electrical Disturbances from Narrowband Radiated Electromagnetic Energy - Part 10: Immunity to Conducted Disturbances in the Extended Audio Frequency Range Immunity measurements of complete road vehicles can generally only be carried out by the vehicle manufacturer, owing to, for example, high costs of absorber-lined shielded enclosures, the desire to preserve the secrecy of prototypes or a large number of different vehicle models. For research, development and quality control, a laboratory measuring method can be used by both vehicle manufacturers and equipment suppliers to test electronic components. ISOÂ 11452-1Â specifies general test conditions, definitions, practical use and basic principles of the test procedure. ISOÂ 11452-10 specifies a conducted voltage test method and procedure for determining the immunity of electronic components of passenger cars and commercial vehicles, regardless of the propulsion system (e.g. spark-ignition engine, diesel engine, electric motor). The method is applied to each individual device under test (DUT) lead and is applicable to all power and output leads, as well as low frequency analogue leads. The method is particularly useful in evaluating DUTs with acoustic or visible display functions. The disturbances considered in this part of ISOÂ 11452 are limited to continuous narrowband electric voltage waveforms. Preview Standard