EM TEST CWS 500N3 Continuous Wave Simulator

CWS 500N3 Simulator for Low Frequencies 10 Hz - 250 kHz

EM TEST CWS 500N3 Continuous Wave Simulator a compact single-box solution design to test the immunity to conducted low-frequency disturbances and low-frequency magnetic fields.

The CWS 500N3 includes a LF signal generator and amplifier, a low-frequency transformer 2:1, a frequency- selective voltage/current meter and load resistors as required by the standards. Various international standards and MIL requirements call for magnetic field tests in the low frequency range, the automotive industry requires conducted immunity tests with superposed sinusoidal signals on the DC supply voltage, both applications can be met by the CWS 500N3.

The CWS 500N3 meets requirements of SAE J1113-2, ISO 11452-8, RTCA/DO 160 Section 18 and MIL-STD-461 CS101, CS109 and RS101.



CWS 500N4 Simulator for Conducted, Common-Mode Disturbances, as per IEC 61000-4-16, IEC 61000-4-19 Annex C, DC to 165 kHz

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