BMW GS 95026

BMW GS 95026 Electrical and Electronic Components for Motor Vehicles with a 48V Electrical System Test Conditions and Tests

Restriction of the Test Procedure:
  • Long-term overvoltage
  • Transient Overvoltage (short + long)
  • Transient process in the lower operating range
  • Recuperation
  • Superimposed Voltage (Part 1F1+2F1)
  • Slow Ramp Down and Ramp Up
  • Slow Ramp Down and Fast Ramp Up
  • Reset Behaviour
  • Start impulses (Cold start: normal+severe)
  • Internal Voltage Strength
  • Operating in the area without functional limitation
  • Operating in the upper area with functional limitation
  • Operating in the lower area with functional limitation
  • Overvoltage Range
  • Undervoltage Range

Product Catalogue
