ITU-T K.17


ITU-T K.17 Tests on Power-Fed Repeaters Using Solid-State Devices in Order to Check the Arrangements for Protection from External Interference

The tests consist of:
  • Prototype Tests
  • Acceptance Tests
Tests are intended to check the effectiveness of all the various arrangements made to protect repeaters using solid-state devices. These arrangements include protective devices incorporated as an integral part of the repeater or installed externally at the repeater location. Prototype Tests Prototype tests are carried out to check the effectiveness of the repeater design and protective elements in a severe environment. Acceptance Tests These tests are carried out on equipment after assembly, to check that the protection is working properly. The test is in general less severe than the prototype test in order to avoid exposing certain components to a degradation that might remain undetected by any measuring process. However, users are at liberty to stipulate more stringent tests (adapted to special, real conditions). Preview Standard

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