Dips, Interrupt and Variations

Applicable Test Standard

International Electrotechnical Committee (IEC)

IEC 61000-4-11: Electromagnetic Compatibility (EMC): Testing and Measurement Techniques – Voltage Dips, Short Interruptions and Voltage Variations Immunity Test

The IEC 61000-4-11 defines the immunity test methods and range of preferred test levels for electrical and electronic equipment connected to low-voltage power supply networks for voltage dips, short interruptions, and voltage variations.

Poor power supply quality - in the form of dips, dropouts, and other voltage variations - can result in electrical malfunctions that can have serious consequences. To verify that systems will operate properly in the presence of a voltage-supply interruption, you need to test the electronics under conditions that mimic these real-world supply conditions.

Typical conditions you need to test for include:

- Voltage dips (defined as a sudden reduction in voltage to a lower voltage, followed by recovery to the original voltage).
- Short interruptions (defined as a complete disappearance of supply voltage for a short period followed by a recovery to the original voltage).
- Voltage variations (defined as gradual changes of the supply voltage to a higher or lower voltage value than the rated voltage).

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