solar 8602 Line Impedance Stabilization Network (LISN)

The Solar Electronics LISNs use a series inductor between the test sample and the power source to provide the impedance-versus frequency characteristic. A coaxial connector with DC isolation is provided for connection to the associated frequency selective EMI meter. The power source end of the inductor is bypassed to ground.

Due to the large current-carrying capability of some LISNs, it is not always practical to use a switch for changing inductance values. Instead, some models are equipped with a high current pin plug-and-jack combination for quickly connecting and disconnecting a network and substituting another. This nylon insulated pin plug and jack arrangement is a safety feature, well isolated from inadvertent short circuits, providing protection to operating personnel.

Current ratings up to 200 amperes are available in 50 µH styles and 500 amperes in 5 µH styles. See the chart on the following page. When measurements are made in a shielded room, the LISNs intended for F.C.C. applications will also serve for V.D.E. tests. When operating on an unfiltered power line, the V.D.E. specifications require a filter consisting of 250 µH inductor and a capacitor. This filter is included in the 24 ampere LISN, Type 9348-50-R-24-BNC, and the 50 ampere LISN, Type 8602-50-TS-50-N

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