Teseq CSP 9160 Current Sensor Probe 9 kHz - 200 MHz

Teseq CSP 9160 Current Sensor Probe 9 kHz - 200 MHz is a broadband RF current sensor probe as defined in CISPR 16-1-2. Beside the compliance measurements of asymmetrical disturbance currents, the probe can be used in many diagnostic applications to measure superimposed RF currents flowing in conductors, or cable harnesses.

A convenient feature of the CSP 9160 is that, from 100 kHz to 120 MHz, it has a flat frequency response with a 0 dB transducer factor, allowing voltage measurements to be read as current, directly without any correction.

The CSP 9160 can also be used as a current monitor for BCI testing as per MIL-STD-461 and various automotive standards.

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