VG 95373-24
VG 95373-24: 2016-05 Electromagnetic Compatibility (EMC) - Electromagnetic Compatibility of Equipment - Part 24: Limits for Conducted Susceptibility The standard is a limit value standard for electromagnetic compatibility. The standard specifies the limit values for testing the immunity of devices against line-controlled disturbances. Details on the conduct of the measurement and the necessary framework conditions as well as the recording, evaluation and presentation of the results are given in VG 95373-14. For the standard, the committee NA 140-00-20-02 UA Electromagnetic compatibility (EMC), measuring methods, measuring devices and limit values of the DIN standard electrical engineering (NE) is responsible. Change note: The following modifications have been made to VG 95373-24: 2008-11 and VG 95373-24 / A1: 2009-10: a) Amendment A1 incorporated; (B) limit values of procedure LF 01 G amended; (C) limit values for air discharge are added to the method LF 05 G; (D) supplemented limit procedures in the LF 05 G method; E) Standard revised by editor Preview Standard