AE Techron EST-EMS - Automated EMC Smart Test System

The EST EMS System is a complete, automated test solution for AF electrical or magnetic susceptibility testing. The system provides an environment where the amplitude, voltage (when using T3700) or magnetic field (when using T1000), frequency, and duration of the interference can be user-defined, or will follow preloaded standards like DO 160 Section 19 CW or the more stringent Boeing D6-16050-5 Section 7.2.

Press the start button and the Test begins. Real-time test progress is displayed on screen. You can easily capture snap shots of events that occur during the test (without test interruption) and save these along with event notes as PDFs. PDFs and complete test conditions and results (CSV format) can be output from the system to be compiled in your choice of Window's software.

The system comes complete with laptop, control software, AE Techron 7224 amplifier, EST AWG/Sine Gen and control hardware, plus both the T3700 and T1000 transformers.

The T1000 Transformer is able to generate up to a 100A potential. Its current output meets or exceeds the requirements of DO 160 Section 19. It has a scaled voltage output for more convenient monitoring. The T1000 is EST compatible and, when used with the EST Smart Test system, forms a complete automated test solution. It is compliant with EN 61010-1:2010.

The T3700 Transformer is able to generate up to a 3700V potential. Its voltage output meets or exceeds the requirements of DO 160 Section 19 and Boeing D6- 16050-5 Section 7.2. Withstand tested to 135% of rated output to ensure a long, trouble-free life. It has a scaled, current-limited 1/5 sense output for more convenient voltage monitoring. The T3700 is EST compatible and, when used with the EST Smart Test System, forms a complete automated test solution. It is compliant with EN 61010-1:2010.

EST EMS€”a better way to do AF electrical and magnetic susceptibility testing.

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