ITU-T K.20
SERIES K: PROTECTION AGAINST INTERFERENCE ITU-T K.20 Resistibility of Telecommunication Equipment Installed in a Telecommunication Centre to Overvoltages and Overcurrents Recommendation ITU-T K.20 specifies resistibility requirements and test procedures for telecommunication equipment that is attached to or installed within a telecommunication centre. Overvoltage and overcurrents covered by this Recommendation include surges due to lightning on or near the line plant, short-term induction from adjacent A.C. power lines or railway systems, earth potential rise due to power faults, direct contact between telecommunication lines and power lines and electrostatic discharges. The sources for overvoltage in internal lines, between equipment/racks, are mainly inductive coupling caused by lightning currents being conducted in nearby lightning strokes or lightning currents being conducted in nearby conductors. Preview Standard