TWT Amplifiers
Traveling wave tubes remain the best source for efficient generation of microwave power over broad frequency bandwidths. When compared to solid state technology, today's metal-ceramic traveling wave tube amplifiers combine low acquisition price with affordable maintenance and support. TWTA systems are smaller, lighter, and much more efficient than their SSA counterparts. TWT amplifiers do behave somewhat differently than SSAs. A traveling-wave tube (TWT) is a specialized vacuum tube that is used in electronics to amplify radio frequency (RF) signals to high power, usually as part of an electronic assembly known as a traveling-wave tube amplifier (TWTA). TWTAs are commonly used as amplifiers in satellite transponders, where the input signal is very weak and the output needs to be high power. A TWTA whose output drives an antenna is a type of transmitter. TWTA transmitters are used extensively in radar, particularly in airborne fire-control radar systems, and in electronic warfare and self-protection systems.