solar 9130-1 Loop Antenna

For Receiving or Generating Magnetic Fields 10 kHz - 3 MHz

This antenna was designed as a replacement for Eaton 94608-1. It is similar to Stoddart 91117-2, 30-inch diameter loop, supplied with AN/URM-6B and NM-10A EMI receivers. In addition to operating as a receiving antenna, the Type 9130-1 Loop Antenna is capable of carrying ten amperes in test setups for generating magnetic fields.

Although the antenna it is replacing is circular (30 inches in diameter), the Type 9130-1 Loop Antenna is almost square, 28.5"" x 29.75"" with 6.31"" radius at each corner (12.4 cm x 75.5 cm with 16 cm radius). This larger area results in an improved pickup factor. The loop is wound with larger wire than the original, so that it can carry more current in the transmitting mode. Fitted with a Type N connector.

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