Tektronix 576/176 Curve Tracer System - Semiconductor Testers

The Tektronix 576 Curve-Tracer System continues to hold the title ''standard of the industry."" This general-purpose curve-tracer system performs well in applications where high-current testing is required.

With the Standard Test Fixture, the collector supply of the 576 delivers up to 220 W peaks to the device under test. The step generator can deliver up to 2 A in both its current and voltage modes of operation. With the 176 High-Current Test Fixture, the 576 is capable of pulsed­ collector operation up to 200-A peak.

Alphanumeric indicators provide readout of vertical and horizontal deflection factors, step amplitude, and Beta/div or gm/div. The Beta or gm readout saves the operator from the arithmetic usually necessary to arrive at these parameters. These indicators also provide a permanent record of major knob settings in 576 CRT photographs.