Teseq CDN 3063 3-Phase Coupling/Decoupling Network

Teseq CDN 3063 Three Phase Coupling/Decoupling Network is designed for maximum reliability in a wide range of test setups. Over temperature protection, which allows short term operation at currents exceeding the nominal rating, prevents damage to internal components.

The fully automated IEC and ANSI compliant coupling network fulfils the new requirements for EUT currents over 16A in the surge standard IEC/EN 61000-4-5:2005, coupling modes and pulse amplitude control in the ANSI C62.45 standard, the ring wave pulse given in IEC/EN 61000-4-2:2006 and the EFT in IEC/EN 61000-4-4 Ed. 2:2004.

The CDN 3063 couples surge and burst pulses into 1-, 2- or 3-phase power mains of up to 480V with a current range up to 32A, 63A or 100A. This range incorporate the new IEC draft standard€™s provision for testing EUT€™s with high power consumption. Reduced decoupling inductances in series with the EUT power connection are specified to minimize series voltage losses. The draft standard defines three classes of filter inductance for the following current ranges: up to 20A, 20 to 60A and 60 to 100A.

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