A.H. Systems BCP-610 Broadband Current Probe 20 Hz - 20 MHz

A.H. Systems BCP-610 Broadband Current Probe 20 Hz - 20 MHz measures currents on 50 Hz, 60 Hz and 400 Hz power lines.

Conducted currents can be measured without making direct contact with the source conductor or metallic surface by means of clamp-on current probes.

The BCP-610 Current Probe is designed to permit field intensity meters, spectrum analyzers, and other 50 ohm impedance instruments to measure quantitative magnitudes of current. Measurements can be made on single and multi-conductor cables, ground and bonding straps, shielded conduits and on coaxial cables.

A current probe acts as a single turn primary, multiple turn secondary transformer, placing low series impedance in the probed power line or signal lead while capable of driving a usable signal into a 50ohm receiver. A current probe is characterized by its transfer impedance, ZT (dB ohm) the ratio of output voltage into a standard load (usually 50ohm for EMI testing) divided by the net current traveling through the probe window area.

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