ZES Zimmer CE-Test61k CE Compliance System for Harmonics - Flicker

ZES ZIMMER provides the system CE-Test61k for compliance tests corresponding to standards EN 61000-2, -3, -11 and -12. The precision power analyzers LMG95 and LMG500 comply with the standards for measurement devices EN 61000-4-7 for harmonic analyzers and standard EN 61000-4-15 for flicker meters.

For validating the confirmation to the standards for current harmonics, the device under test must be fed by a power source with a purely sinusoidal and stable output voltage. This is essential in order to proof that the measured current harmonics are generated by the device under test and do not originate from the source. Therefore the ZES ZIMMER LMG devices test the voltage stability and that distortions by harmonics are within permissible limits during each analysis interval.

In addition to a power source, the flicker test requires well-defined reference impedance. Flicker is determined by the amplitude and occurrences of line voltage fluctuations. Voltage fluctuations are the result of current variations induced by the consuming device at the reference impedance. In order to obtain results which can be compared with others, normalized line impedance must be inserted between the feeding source and the test sample when measuring flicker.

The impedance values for these reference impedances are defined as (0.24+j0.15) Ω in the phases and (0.16+j0.10) Ω in the neutral. The test software allows to record all device settings and measured data and to process them into a test protocol that is mandatory for the CE declaration.

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