Chroma 6630 Power Analyzer

Chroma introduces a completely new concept, Power Measurement System, for fast and accurate power related measurements in compliance with international standards.

The Power Measurement System consisting of an advanced 6630/6632 Power Analyzer and a 6530 Series or other Chroma family AC Power Source is the ATE for Voltage and Current Harmonics test in compliance with IEC61000-3-2, IEC61000-3-2 A14, and for Flicker test (voltage fluctuations) following the IEC 61000-3-3 international standards. Performance testing is preprogrammed limits to specifications against standardized limits. The user-specified limits can be added.

Chroma 6630/6632 Power Analyzer is a modular instrument that is equipped with DSP type measurement module. Each measurement module contains Processor, Memory (ROM, RAM, Flash ROM), and two channels 18 bits A/D converter. As the Discrete Fourier Transform (DFT) technology is implemented in the software with 32-bit floating point mathematical algorithms, it can measure instruments related power at high- speed and analyze the measurement parameters (value) accurately. The instrument is also a combination of all standard instruments generally used for power measurements. It provides Voltage (U), Current (I), Active Power (P), Reactive Power (Q), Apparent Power (S), Active Energy (W), Reactive Energy (Wr), Apparent Energy (Wa), Frequency (f), Crest Factor (CF), Power Factor (PF), Phase Angle (o).

Chroma 6630/6632 Power Analyzer is a flexible and unique multipurpose instrument designed for using stand-alone and integrated. Harmonics, Flicker, Multimeter, Recording, and Waveform are the five major function modules that can work stand-alone, or be integrated into an ATE environment to facilitate the system for testing and analysis. Future revisions of the supported standards are able to implement by software updates. The built in floppy disk drive gives users a convenient way to save the test parameters and results.


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