Com-Power AM-741 Active Monopole Antenna 9 kHz - 30 MHz

The Active Monopole antenna Model AM-741 was designed to measure electric field strength in the frequency range from 9 kHz to 30 MHz This antenna includes a built-in broadband amplifier covering the frequency range of operation. The built in preamplifier improves the sensitivity of the antenna and also provides a 50 ohm matched output. 

The antenna amplifier is enclosed in an aluminum enclosure. The 41 inch collapsible rod element is connected to BNC connector located on the top the amplifier enclosure. The amplifier enclosure is mounted on the bottom of a 60 x 60 cm stainless steel plate. The front panel of the AM-741 Monopole antenna has battery status and saturation indicators. The saturation indicator will illuminate if the if the field measured is saturating the built in preamplifier.

The antenna can be used for 6-8 hours continuous with a fully charged battery. An external charger adapter is included with each antenna.


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