ETS-Lindgren 3140B Log Periodic & Bowtie(BiConiLog) 26 MHz - 3 GHz
The Model 3140B BiConiLog is the newest in a series of hybrid antennas designed for broadband EMC RI (RI) measurements. The antenna exhibits exceptional gain between 26 MHz to 80 MHz, requiring <= 300 W to generate 10 V/m above 30 MHz with 80% AM at a distance of 3 meters. Above 80 MHz, the antenna's VSWR is less than 2:1. The new Model 3140B BiConiLog„¢ features a patent-pending T-Bow-Tie element design that significantly improves low frequency performance compared to conventional biconical or other hybrid antennas. When setting up the model 3140B, the T-Bow-Tie elements are easily attached/detached with hand tightened screw knobs. Once assembled, the antenna is self-standing when placed balun end down on the ground plane - Convenient during mounting. A tough powder coat finish protects the antenna and adds to its appeal. The Model 3140B BiConiLog„¢ is not designed to be used for RE (Radiated Emissions) measurements. For RE applications, ETS-Lindgren recommends the Model 3142D with end cap elements removed.