MIL-STD 461 RS103


MIL-STD 461 RS103 Radiated Susceptibility, Electric Field

This test procedure is used to verify the ability of the EUT and associated cabling to withstand electric fields.


This requirement is applicable for equipment and subsystem enclosures and all interconnecting cables. The requirement is applicable as follows:
  • 2 MHz to 30 MHz - Army, Navy and optional* for all others
  • 30 MHz to 18 GHz - All
  • 18 GHz to 40 GHz - Optional* for all
*Required only if specified in the procurement specification For Army and Air Force: there is no requirement at the tuned frequency of antenna-connected receivers. Limit The EUT shall not exhibit any malfunction, degradation of performance, or deviation from specified indications, beyond the tolerances indicated in the individual equipment or subsystem specification, when subjected to the radiated electric fields listed in Table XI and modulated as specified below. Up to 30 MHz, the requirement shall be met for vertically polarized fields. Above 30 MHz, the requirement shall be met for both horizontally and vertically polarized fields. Circularly polarized fields are not acceptable. For receiver EUTs having permanently attached antennas only, unless otherwise stated in the system specification, reduced performance over the intended receiver band of operation is allowed. The receiver shall meet its performance requirements after in-band exposure to the radiated field. Test Equipment
  1. Signal generators
  2. Power amplifiers
  3. Transmit antennas
  4. Electric field sensors (physically small - electrically short)
  5. Measurement receiver
  6. Power meter
  7. Directional coupler
  8. Attenuator
  9. Data recording device
  10. LISNs
Preview Standard

Product Catalogue
