MIL-STD 461 RS105
DEPARTMENT OF DEFENSE INTERFACE STANDARDÂ Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â MIL-STD 461 RS105 Radiated Susceptibility, Transient Electromagnetic Field This test procedure is used to verify the ability of the EUT enclosure to withstand a transient electromagnetic field. Applicability This requirement is applicable to equipment and subsystem enclosures which are exposed to the external electromagnetic environment. For surface ships, this includes external, above deck and exposed below deck installations. The requirement is applicable to Army aircraft for safety critical equipment and subsystems located in an external installation. Limit The EUT shall not exhibit any malfunction, degradation of performance, or deviation from specified indications, beyond the tolerances indicated in the individual equipment or subsystem specification, when subjected to a test signal having the waveform and amplitude shown on Figure RS105-1. At least five pulses shall be applied at the rate of not more than one pulse per minute. Test EquipmentPreview Standard
- Transverse electromagnetic (TEM) cell, parallel plate transmission line or equivalent
- Transient pulse generator, monopulse output, plus and minus polarity
- Storage oscilloscope, 700 MHz, single-shot bandwidth (minimum), variable sampling rate up to 1 gigasample per second (GSa/s)
- Terminal protection devices
- High-voltage probe, 1 GHz bandwidth (minimum)
- B-dot sensor probe
- D-dot sensor probe
- Integrator, time constant ten times the overall pulse width