IEC 61851-1

IEC 61851-1 Electric Vehicle Conductive Charging System - Part 1: General Requirements

IEC 61851 applies to EV supply equipment for charging electric road vehicles, with a rated supply voltage up to 1000 VAC or up to 1500 VDC and a rated output voltage up to 1000 VAC or up to 1500 VDC.

Electric road vehicles (EV) cover all road vehicles, including plug-in hybrid road vehicles (PHEV), that derive all or part of their energy from on-board rechargeable energy storage systems (RESS).

This standard also applies to EV supply equipment supplied from on-site storage systems (e.g. buffer batteries).

The aspects covered in this standard include:
  • the characteristics and operating conditions of the EV supply equipment
  • the specification of the connection between the EV supply equipment and the EV
  • the requirements for electrical safety for the EV supply equipment
Additional requirements may apply to equipment designed for specific environments or conditions, for example:
  • EV supply equipment located in hazardous areas where flammable gas or vapour and/or combustible materials, fuels or other combustible, or explosive materials are present
  • EV supply equipment designed to be installed at an altitude of more than 2 000 m
  • EV supply equipment intended to be used on board on ships
Requirements for electrical devices and components used in EV supply equipment are not included in this standard and are covered by their specific product standards. EMC requirements for EV supply equipment are expected to be covered in the future IEC 61851-21-26. Requirements for bi-directional energy transfer are under consideration and are not in this edition of IEC 61851-1. Preview Standard