EN 50081-2
EN 50081-2 Electromagnetic Compatibility - Generic Emission Standard - Part 2: Industrial Environment - Withdrawn EN 50081-2 (1994) standard for emission requirements applies to electrical and electronic apparatus intended for use in industrial environment, as described in clause 5, for which no dedicated product or product-family emission standard exists. Apparatus designed to radiate electromagnetic energy for radio communications purposes is excluded from this standard. EN 50081-2 allows equipment for use in the heavy industrial environment to comply with Class A limit. EN 55022 does not rigidly relate the A and B classification to particular environments but states that Class B ITE is intended primarily for use in the domestic environment. This standard has no normative requirements for the limitation of harmonics and flicker; an informative annex states that limits are under consideration by IEC SC77A. Therefore there are no limits for harmonics and flicker for products outside the scope of ENs 60555-2 and -3 until 1st January 2001. After that date, all apparatus within the scopes of ENs 61000-3-2 and -3 must comply with those standards (including continuing production of apparatus types existing before that date). Note: this standard has been replaced by EN 61000-6-4 Preview Standard