solar 7054-1 Spike Generator 600 Volts

For Conducted Transient Susceptibility Testing Up To 600 Volts Peak.

The peak amplitude of the Model 7054-1 Spike Generator is adjustable from 10 volts to over 600 volts into 5 ohms. The source impedance is less than 0.5 ohm. The transient shape approximates the curve given in Figure 19 of MIL-STD-462.

Less than one microsecond rise time and approximately 10 microseconds fall time.

On 50, 60 or 400 Hz power lines the transient can be applied in a periodic manner to the negative or the positive half-cycle of the power frequency. The transient€™s relation to the sine wave may be adjusted in phase from 0° to 360°. For non-synchronous injection on AC or DC lines, the repetition rate can be adjusted from 0.8 p.p.s. to 10 p.p.s. Single transients can be applied with the pushbutton on the panel.

Two sets of output terminals allow either parallel or series injection into the power line. Series injection may be used on DC and AC lines. Parallel injection is used on DC lines only. The output winding used for series injection can carry 25 amperes of power current. The output terminals are isolated from the chassis and the power cord.

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