EM TEST CWS 500N1 Continuous Wave Simulator

CWS 500N1 Simulator for RF Conducted Immunity Testing

EM TEST CWS 500N1 Continuous Wave Simulator is for testing conducted RF immunity as per IEC 61000-4-6 and related standards with a frequency range of 100kHz to 300MHz.

The CWS 500N1 also generates a 2 Hz 80% AM signal to test medical appliances and a 1 Hz PM signal with 50% duty cycle required to test safety equipment like fire alarms. Equipped with a 1 GHz current monitor the CWS 500N1 can be used up to 1 GHz by means of an external amplifier.



CWS 500N1.3 Simulator for RF Conducted Immunity Testing 10 kHz - 400 MHz
CWS 500N1.4 Simulator for RF Conducted Immunity Testing 100 kHz - 300 MHz


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