EM TEST OCS 500N6-series Oscillatory Wave Simulator

EM TEST OCS 500N6-series Simulator for Ringwave and Damped Oscillatory Waves

The Ringwave is a non-repetitive damped oscillatory transient occurring in low-voltage power, control and signal lines supplied by public and non-public networks. Damped Oscillatory Waves are repetitive transients mainly occurring in power, control and signal cables installed in high voltage and medium voltage stations.

EM TEST OCS 500N6-series is a compact standalone simulator with test capabilities for ringwave up to 6kV as per IEC/EN 61000-4-12 and the damped oscillatory waves at 100 kHz and 1 MHz up to 3 kV as per IEC/EN 61000-4-18. The Damped Oscillatory Waves not only comply with IEC/EN 61000-4-18 requirements but also correspond with the requirements to test protective relays and relay systems as per ANSI/IEEE C37.90.

The OCS 500N6-series offers the Quick Start test routine where parameters can be changed on-line during the test to evaluate the susceptibility level of an individual DUT.



OCS 500N6.5 With built-in CDN 250 V / 16 A
OCS 500N6.6 With built-in CDN 250 V / 32 A
OCS 500N6.7 With built-in CDN 3x440 V / 16 A
OCS 500N6.8 With built-in CDN 3x440 V / 32 A
OCS 500N6.20 With built-in CDN 3x690 V / 100 A

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