Thermo KeyTek Series 2000 ESD Test System 25kV

The Thermo KeyTek Series 2000 ESD Simulation System provides a combination of performance features unlike any other offering. Physically, it is housed in two interconnected units: the ESD-1 Discharger (or gun), which may be either hand-held or tripod-mounted, and it's associated Power Supply/Control/Unit PSC-1. The Discharger is made up of the basic handle, polarity switch; high-voltage set knob and digital display. The Power Supply/Control Unit includes selectors for repetition rate, charge rate and burst/normal modes.

Interchangeable Discharge Networks, Current Injection Adapters and Tips, all plug directly into the Discharger's barrel. The Discharge Network is also remotable via an optional cable, to provide a lighter, hand-held probe for extended testing without a tripod. In this latter mode, the Discharger may be mounted on the Power Supply/Control Unit via tripod mounting hardware, which is included.

Specific Series 2000 Model Groups has been identified, to help users select the ESD test capabilities most appropriate to their immediate needs. Expansions and additions selected from the next Model Group or from anywhere in the entire Series 2000, can be made at any time.

The Thermo KeyTek Series 2000 is a 25kV hand-held ESD simulator that generates pulses in compliance with various test standards such as IEC 61000-4-2, IEC 801-2 1984, ANSI C63.16, NEMA, MIL-STD 883 and EIA PN-1361. Many companies have mandated in their corporate ESD test plans that the Series 2000 be used when performing all ESD testing. The Series 2000 will generate all six types of ESD disturbances and offers easy, interchangeable ESD waveforms for testing to multiple standards. The unit provides contact mode and air discharge testing, plus optional E & H field diagnostics for comprehensive product testing. In addition, vertical and horizontal planes for indirect ESD testing; real, direct and furniture simulation are available. Industry recognized 0 to 25kV ESD simulator that can be hand-held or tripod-mounted.

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