EM TEST OCS 500N6F Oscillatory Wave Simulator

EM TEST OCS 500N6F Simulator for Fast and Slow Damped Oscillatory Waves and Ringwave

EM TEST OCS 500N6F includes test capabilities for fast damped oscillatory waves at 3 MHz, 10 MHz and 30 MHz up to 4.4kV and is extendable for slow damped oscillatory waves at 100 kHz / 1 MHz up to 3.0 kV as per IEC/EN 61000-4-18 and for ringwave up to 6 kV as per IEC/EN 61000-4-12.

The OCS 500N6F comes with a built-in coupling/decoupling network for either single phase or three-phase and is rated for currents of 16 A or 32 A per line.



OCS 500N6F-series Compact Simulators for Fast/Slow Damped Oscillatory Waves and Ringwave

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