IEC 61180-1
IEC 61180-1 High-Voltage Test Techniques for Low-Voltage Equipment - Definitions, Test and Procedure Requirements, Test Equipment IEC 61180 applies to dielectric tests with direct voltage; dielectric tests with alternating voltage; dielectric tests with impulse voltage and test equipment used for dielectric tests on low-voltage equipment. This standard is applicable only to tests on equipment having a rated voltage of not more than 1 kV a.c. or 1.5 kV d.c. This standard is applicable to type and routine tests for objects which are subjected to high voltage tests as specified by the technical committee. The test equipment comprises a voltage generator and a measuring system. This standard covers test equipment in which the measuring system is protected against external interference and coupling by appropriate screening, for example a continuous conducting shield. Therefore, simple comparison tests are sufficient to ensure valid results. This standard is not intended to be used for electromagnetic compatibility tests on electric or electronic equipment. Tests with the combination of impulse voltages and currents are covered by IEC 61000-4-5. Note: this standard has been replaced by IEC 61180 Preview Standard