MIL-STD 461 RS101
DEPARTMENT OF DEFENSE INTERFACE STANDARD          MIL-STD 461 RS101 Radiated Susceptibility, Magnetic Field This test procedure is used to verify the ability of the EUT to withstand radiated magnetic fields. Applicability This requirement is applicable from 30 Hz to 100 kHz for equipment and subsystem enclosures, including electrical cable interfaces. The requirement is not applicable for electromagnetic coupling via antennas. For Army and Navy ground equipment, the requirement is applicable only to vehicles having a minesweeping or mine detection capability. For Navy ships and submarines, this requirement is applicable only to equipment and subsystems that have an operating frequency of 100 kHz or less and an operating sensitivity of 1 μV or better (such as 0.5 μV). For Navy aircraft, this requirement is applicable only to equipment installed on ASW capable aircraft, and external equipment on aircraft that are capable of being launched by electromagnetic launch systems. Limit The EUT shall not exhibit any malfunction, degradation of performance, or deviation from specified indications, beyond the tolerances indicated in the individual equipment or subsystem specification, when subjected to the magnetic fields shown on Figures RS101-1 and RS101-2. Test EquipmentPreview Standard
- Signal source
- Radiating loop having the following specifications:
- Diameter: 12 cm
- Number of turns: 20
- Wire: No. 12 insulated copper
- Magnetic flux density: 9.5x107 pT/ampere of applied current at a distance of 5 cm from the plane of the loop
- Loop sensor having the following specifications:
- Diameter: 4 cm
- Number of turns: 51
- Wire: 7-41 Litz wire (7 Strand, No. 41 AWG)
- Shielding: Electrostatic
- Correction Factor: See manufacturer’s data for factors to convert measurement receiver readings to decibels above one picotesla (dBpT)
- Measurement receiver or narrowband voltmeter
- Current probe