Com-Power CGO-501 Comb Generator 1 MHz - 1000 MHz

The CGO- Comb Generator is reference radiated or conducted signal source. The signal contains frequency harmonics at 1, 5, 20 MHz intervals. These reference signals are used for validating EMC test sites. A reference signal source must have stable and precise output. Therefore, Comb Generator€™s internal circuit is built to meet this requirement.

Two antennas supplied with the Comb Generator for low and high frequency signal radiation. The radiated signals are generated by connecting one of the two antennas to the BNC or SMA connector. The circular chassis of Comb Generator helps radiate the signl more uniformly in all directions in the same plane. The conducted reference signals can be obtained by connecting a coax to the BNC or SMA connector.

The Comb Generator is powered by a rechargeable internal battery pack to eliminate any possibility of external cables affecting the radiated signal. When the battery voltage reaches below reliable operating levels the RF will shut off automatically to prevent further use. When fully charged, the battery allows continuous use of the Comb Generator up to 18 hours.


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