EM TEST VDS 200N15 Voltage Drop Simulator

EM TEST VDS 200N15 Voltage Drop Simulator is used to simulate various battery supply waveforms recommended by international standards and by car manufacturer requirements.

The VDS 200N15 serves as powerful DC voltage supply for the DUT during the test with automotive transients. The VDS 200N15 offers the QuickStart with parameters being adjustable during test to evaluate the susceptibility level of a DUT. Pulse 4 and 2b as per ISO 7637-2.

The VDS 200N15 has an integrated DC amplifier with a frequency range up to 50kHz. It generates dips and drops, short interruptions and voltage variations representing various phenomena being measured on a wiring harness.

EM TEST VDS 200N15 is best to simulate battery supply waveforms.



VDS 200N-series Voltage Drop Simulator - Battery Supply Simulation and DC Voltage Source

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